Early Years

Early Years at Heathmere



At Heathmere Primary School, our mission is to create an inclusive and inspiring Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) experience that aligns with our whole school vision. We are dedicated to providing an ambitious and nurturing environment where every child's unique potential, interests, and emotional well-being are at the heart of our educational approach. Our commitment to understanding each pupil allows us to cultivate confidence, academic achievement, and a genuine appreciation for lifelong learning, rooted in the joy of reading. Our staff, supported and valued, are provided with continuous opportunities for development, ensuring children are always at the forefront of everything we do.



Our EYFS provision complies with key legislation and statutory guidance including the 2021 Statutory Framework for the EYFS. Our curriculum is designed to be ambitious and purposeful, preparing pupils for the transition to Year 1. It covers the seven areas of learning and is delivered through a combination of child-initiated and adult-led activities. We ensure our outdoor learning spaces are as meaningful and purposeful as our indoor environments. Our planning is tailored to individual needs and interests, promoting play-based, thematic, and integrated learning. Parents are actively involved in the learning process, and staff engage in ongoing professional development to maintain high standards of teaching and assessment. Safeguarding and promoting positive behaviour are integral to our environment, ensuring all children feel safe, valued, and respected.



The Early Years Lead, alongside other members of the leadership team, monitors the impact of the EYFS curriculum, ensuring all pupils successfully learn the curriculum. We work closely with a range of outside agencies and professionals to ensure pupils are equipped with the necessary tools to thrive in life within and beyond our EYFS. We use learning walks, pupil voice, and tracking of behaviour incidents to assess progress. Half-termly pupil progress meetings help us identify and support pupils who need additional assistance. Our comprehensive approach ensures that every child receives a rich, supportive, and effective Early Years education, laying the groundwork for their future success and well-being.


Our approach to EYFS at Heathmere