Design & Technology

Design and Technology at Heathmere



At Heathmere Primary School, we have developed a Design and Technology (DT) curriculum that inspires our pupils’ creativity and imagination, empowering them to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems. Our DT curriculum supports pupils to develop the fundamental skills needed to become the innovators of tomorrow.


Our ambition for DT at Heathmere is to teach all pupils how to take risks, whilst using critical thinking skills, to create products and participate successfully in an increasingly technological world. This aim supports our curriculum vision: children’s learning is purposeful, empowering them to be ambitious for their future.


It is also our aim to create strong, cross-curricular links with other subjects including: Maths, Science, Computing and Art and Design. Therefore, when creating our DT curriculum, we looked for opportunities to draw links between these subjects and integrate teaching where appropriate. We also ensured subject content was planned and taught using the ‘design, make and evaluate’ model across the school.



All children from the Early Years Foundation Stage to year 6 take part in discrete DT lessons throughout the year. The sequencing of our DT curriculum has been carefully mapped out to support all pupils to be ambitious for their future. Our DT curriculum is taught using a 2-year-rolling-curriculum approach to empower all pupils to learn a wide range of design and technology skills throughout their time at Heathmere Primary School. Our DT progression map for the current academic year can be found below.


Our DT curriculum is taught by our class teachers and a DT Specialist who, together, foster creative thinking and thoughtful application of the skills taught. All pupils in year 1 to year 6 have the opportunity to use specialist facilities in the local area to support their learning in DT. In the Early Years Foundation Stage at Heathmere, all pupils are encouraged to construct and create purposefully. This is achieved by supporting pupils to be independent in selecting tools and techniques needed to shape, assemble and join materials. While learning through play, pupils are encouraged to plan, implement and review their ideas, developing an awareness and understanding of the possibilities and limitations of different materials.


Progression Map of the DT Curriculum at Heathmere



Throughout the school, our pupils show curiosity, enjoyment and enthusiasm for DT; they are able to confidently accomplish the requirements of design briefs and evaluate their final products for a range of projects.


The Curriculum Lead and Subject Leads at Heathmere monitor the impact of the Design and Technology curriculum, ensuring that all pupils successfully learn the curriculum through a range of monitoring arrangements including: curriculum progression and planning reviews, learning walks, books looks, pupil voice. Pupils’ progress in DT is monitored by class teachers and our DT Specialist as part of our end of year assessment procedures;