
Science at Heathmere



At Heathmere Primary School, we have created a Science curriculum that sparks pupils’ curiosity of the world around them. Our Science curriculum supports pupils in developing the fundamental skills and knowledge needed to work scientifically in order to challenge and investigate the world around them. With our Science curriculum, we intend to empower our pupils in understanding how Science has changed their lives and will help shape their future.


Our ambition for Science at Heathmere is to support all pupils in developing a broad range of scientific skills that they can use to build upon their natural curiosity. This aim supports our curriculum vision: children’s learning is purposeful, empowering them to be ambitious for their future. Science at Heathmere is a practical subject that fosters pupil’s inquisitive nature when conducting experiments. Throughout their time at Heathmere, pupils develop their working scientifically skills so they are able to apply them to a wide range of real life contexts. At Heathmere, we continue to empower our pupils to have enquiring minds, which deepens their understanding of the world in which they live.



All pupils from year 1 to year 6 take part in discrete Science lessons that provide opportunities for all pupils to experience the different strands of science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics). The skills and knowledge that will prepare our pupils for these Science lessons is also carefully woven into our Early Years curriculum. Throughout the school year, our Science curriculum provides pupils with critical thinking, problem solving and investigative skills, which enable them to build strong subject knowledge and understanding. The sequencing of our Science curriculum has been carefully mapped out (our Science progression map can be found below) to support all pupils to be curious about the world around them and be ambitious for their future.


Our Science curriculum is delivered through quality first teaching by our class teachers. We also work closely with a range of STEM ambassadors who spark interest in the subject and ambition for our pupils future careers. Our teachers foster a positive attitude towards the subject of Science, which empowers all pupils to work scientifically whilst extending their scientific knowledge and understanding. Our Science curriculum ensures that all pupils will be confident and knowledgeable scientists by the time they leave Heathmere Primary School.


Key Facts in the Science Curriculum at Heathmere



Throughout the school, all pupils show enthusiasm and curiosity in the subject of Science; they are able to confidently work scientifically to support them in Science lessons and in our ever changing world.


The Curriculum Lead and Subject Leads at Heathmere monitor the impact of the Science curriculum, ensuring that all pupils successfully learn the curriculum through a range of monitoring arrangements including: curriculum progression and planning reviews, learning walks, books looks, pupil voice. Pupils’ progress in Science is monitored by class teachers as part of our end of year assessment procedures; pupils’ also demonstrate the progress they have made in Science by completing an end of unit knowledge organiser.