
Geography at Heathmere



Geography is a statutory subject in all primary schools in England and therefore Heathmere Primary School is required, by law, to teach Geography to all pupils. We have developed our current Geography curriculum to align with the National Curriculum requirements. In the Early Years Foundation Stage, our pupils are taught to understand the world, which allows them to reflect on the events and routines that they and their peers experience. In Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, our pupils study Geography, which allows them to be inspire, curious and fascinated about the world and its people. This develops their understanding of people and places around the world; our pupils regard themselves as global citizens, with an awareness of current world events.


We also know that research demonstrates the importance of studying a deep and enriching Geography curriculum at primary school. The Royal Geographical Society states that Geography “makes a vital contribution to our knowledge of the rapidly changing environmental and social challenges facing us and how we should tackle them”. Therefore, our ambition for Geography at Heathmere is for all pupils to take on the role of a geographer: exploring, discovering and beginning to make sense of, the world around them, providing them with the necessary cultural capital to become global citizens with an awareness of current world events.


The Geography curriculum at Heathmere sits alongside, and is complemented by, several national curriculum subjects including: Science, Computing, History, Languages and PSHE. When creating our Geography curriculum progression, we looked for opportunities to draw links between these subjects and integrate teaching where appropriate. We also ensured subject content was planned and taught using a progressive model across the school. As part of this, fieldwork is explicitly taught to all our pupils at an age appropriate level, making the most of our local area as a Geographical resource.



All pupils in year 1 to year 6 partake in discrete Geography lessons throughout the school year; the skills and knowledge that will prepare our pupils for these Geography lessons is also carefully woven into our Early Years curriculum.  


Our Geography curriculum focuses on the key building blocks of location, place, human & physical features, geographical skills and fieldwork. The sequence of this delivery has been carefully mapped out (our Geography progression map can be found below) to support all pupils across the curriculum and in their wider lives as they move through their primary school years. At Heathmere, pupil’s use their prior knowledge of key geographical skills and concepts to develop as geographers as they progress through the academic years.


Our Geography curriculum also focuses on providing all pupils with an essential understanding of the world and equipping them with the skills needed to be a geographer. The content taught within our Geography curriculum enables all pupils at Heathmere to develop the language they need to talk confidently and accurately about location, place, human and physical features, geographical skills and fieldwork.


Key Facts in the Heathmere Geography Curriculum



The Curriculum Lead and Subject Leads at Heathmere monitor the impact of the Geography curriculum, ensuring that all pupils successfully learn the curriculum through a range of monitoring arrangements including: curriculum progression and planning reviews, learning walks, books looks and pupil voice. Pupils’ progress in Geography is monitored by class teachers as part of our end of year assessment procedures; pupils’ also demonstrate the progress they have made in Geography by completing an end of unit knowledge organiser.