Art & Design

Art and Design at Heathmere



The National Curriculum in England states that Art and Design embodies some of the highest forms of human creativity. At Heathmere, we have created an inter-disciplinary curriculum for Art and Design, one that ties in with subjects across our wider curriculum. 


We believe a high-quality Art and Design education should engage, inspire and challenge all pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own work as artists (National Curriculum, 2013). Studying Art and Design at Heathmere allows pupils to develop an understanding of how art materials are used, whilst participating in their personal journey through creative processes. This aim supports our curriculum vision: children’s learning is purposeful, empowering them to be ambitious for their future.



Whilst building a cohesive and meaningful curriculum, we have also focused on advancing the value of the arts disciplines as worthy subjects in their own right. Within our Art and Design curriculum, there are opportunities for each pupil to develop as artists throughout the years, stage by stage. This enriches their understanding of how artistic concepts, materials and mediums (including links to Dance and Music) can be used and developed through time.


Heathmere’s Art and Design curriculum ensures that all pupils are given a diverse, comprehensive range of offer throughout their years at our school which broadens their experiences and builds their understanding of the links between the arts, creativity and the experiences we go through in our everyday lives.


Our Art Specialist Teacher works closely with our class teachers to plan and deliver Art lessons that support and enhance pupils’ learning across the curriculum. We have also worked on fostering creativity as a way of thinking, which is not restricted to the Fine Arts, but with the concept that artwork is an extension of self, reaching out beyond the canvas; thus we present opportunities for pupils to gain insight into the many disciplines within the creative arts industry. A main element of this is ensuring our inter-disciplinary curriculum is sustainable and cohesive during the academic year, as well as progressive from year to year (our Art and Design progression map can be found below).


We promote high expectations by identifying a working pace that works for each pupil within the premise of each Art lesson, rather than presenting an expectation of a masterpiece finished at the end of the 45-minute sessions.  Pupils keep a log of their Art learning each week in their sketchbooks or portfolios. They showcase their Art and Design learning through performances, gallery walks, displays and exhibitions, taking pride in their creations.


Key Skills in the Art Curriculum at Heathmere



In August 2023, Heathmere was awarded a Silver Artsmark award. We continue to celebrate the uniqueness of each pupil and the reflections of self that shines through in their work through displays, performances, exhibitions and on our school’s social media platforms.


The Curriculum Lead, Subject Leads and Art Specialist Teacher at Heathmere monitor the impact of the Art and Design curriculum through a range of monitoring arrangements including: curriculum progression and planning reviews, learning walks, books looks and pupil voice. Pupils’ progress in Art and Design is monitored by our Art Specialist Teacher as part of our end of year assessment procedures.