Religious Education

Religious Education at Heathmere



At Heathmere Primary School, we believe that it is important for all pupils to learn from and about a wide range of religions, so that they can understand the world around them. We are an inclusive school that respects all religions, cultures and communities. We create opportunities for pupils to reflect on how different beliefs affect them and those around them. Through our Religious Education (RE) curriculum, we empower our pupils to ask and challenge thought-provoking questions. This informs our pupils’ identities and moral compasses, developing their spiritual, cultural and social awareness. We use The Wandsworth Agreed Syllabus to teach RE in the Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Where the calendar year creates opportunities, we immerse the children in a range of festivals and celebrations; we are proud to celebrate the diversity of religions within our pupil population.


We also know that children have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion (UN Convention of the Rights of the Child) and that research demonstrates how positive relationships in school that are built on trust, kindness, safety and security are directly linked to better child wellbeing and better educational performance (Mentally Healthy Schools, 2022). Therefore, our aim is for all pupils to leave Heathmere being able to identify a range of religions, understand their core beliefs and values and have the skills to ask meaningful questions about life. Our pupils will leave Heathmere Primary School with a respect for and awareness of a range of religions, giving them the knowledge and confidence to access the RE curriculum at their chosen secondary school.



All pupils from Reception to year 6 partake in discrete RE lessons throughout the school year; curriculum content is taken directly from the Wandsworth Agreed Syllabus. Our pupils are also exposed to some religions through the curriculum in other subjects including: Geography, History and Relationships and Health Education.


Our RE curriculum focuses on the key skills of discussing, reflecting, comparing, respectfully challenging and articulating concepts. The sequence of this delivery has been carefully mapped out (our RE progression map can be found below) to support pupils across the curriculum, and in their wider lives, as they move through their primary school years.


At Heathmere, we focus on providing all pupils with an essential understanding of many different religions including: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism. Curriculum content enables all pupils at Heathmere to become equipped with the knowledge and understanding of a range of religious and non-religious beliefs and worldviews, whilst encouraging them to simultaneously cultivate their own ideas, values and identities. This is encouraged through the various units of work that ask thought-provoking questions to develop and express their insights. These units include topics such as: change and growth, the importance of relationships, festivals, belonging, worship, promises, holy books, the meaning of God and how communities celebrate their religion. To further support pupils with their awareness of religions, we deliver assemblies about religious festivals that are important to our school community.


Key Facts in the Heathmere RE Curriculum



The Curriculum Lead and Subject Leads at Heathmere monitor the impact of the RE curriculum, ensuring that all pupils successfully learn the curriculum through a range of monitoring arrangements including: curriculum progression and planning reviews, learning walks, books looks and pupil voice. Pupils’ progress in RE is monitored by class teachers as part of our end of year assessment procedures; pupils’ also demonstrate the progress they have made in RE by completing an end of unit knowledge organiser.